workflow-img Workflow submission and management

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import pyunicore.client as uc_client
import pyunicore.credentials as uc_credentials

base = "https://localhost:8080/WORKFLOW/rest/workflows"
print ("Accessing Workflow REST API at ", base)

# setup authentication using username and password
credentials = uc_credentials.UsernamePassword("demouser", "test123")

# Create a client for the Workflow service
workflow_client = uc_client.WorkflowService(credentials, base)

# create the workflow description

wf_json = {
        "activities": [
                  "id": "date1",
                  "job": {
                           "Executable": "date",
                           "Job type": "INTERACTIVE",

# create a new workflow instance on the server
workflow = workflow_service.new_workflow(workflow_description)

# see the workflow properties
print (json.dumps(, sort_keys=True, indent=4))