data-triggered-img Data-triggered processing

This document describes UNICORE’s data-triggered, rule-oriented processing feature.

What is data-triggered processing?

UNICORE can be set up to automatically scan storages and trigger processing steps (e.g. submit batch jobs or run processing tasks) according to user-defined rules.

This style of processing is storage-oriented, i.e. is defined by the properties of a UNICORE storage endpoint, and by files accessible on that storage endpoint.

Setting up data-triggered processing

Depending on the server configuration, data triggered processing is probably disabled on the standard storages (HOME, ROOT, etc).

If the UNICORE server provides a “storage factory” service, you can create an endpoint with data-triggered processing enabled, and you can select the path

For example using UCC:

ucc create-storage path=/path/to/your/directory enableTrigger=true

Controlling the scanning process

To control which directories should be scanned, a file named .UNICORE_Rules at the top-level of the storage is read and evaluated. This file can be (and usually will be) edited and uploaded by the user. It can be modified at any time.

The file is expected to be in JSON format, and has the following elements:

 "DirectoryScan": {

   "IncludeDirs": [
   "ExcludeDirs": [
   "Interval": "30"


 "Rules": [ ],

 "Enabled": "true | false",

 "Logging": "true | false"


The IncludeDirs and ExcludeDirs are lists of Java regular expression strings that denote directories (as always relative to the storage root) that should be included or excluded from the scan.

The optional Interval element allows you to control the scan interval. A numerical value (seconds), or a time value with unit such as “1h” can be used here.

The optional Enabled element allows you to (temporarily) disable the processing, if you wish.

The optional Logging element allows you to disable the writing of log files. Logging is enabled by default, see below. Log files will be written to a directory .UNICORE_data_processing in the base directory of the storage endpoint.

The Rules section controls which files are to be processed, and what is to be done (actions). This is described below.


The Rules section in the .UNICORE_Rules file is a list of file match specifications together with a definition of an action, i.e. what should be done for those files that match.

The general syntax is:

  "DirectoryScan": {
    "IncludeDirs": [ ],
    "ExcludeDirs": [ ]

  "Rules": [
      "Name": "example",
      "Match": ".*incoming/file_.*",
      "Action": {  }

The mandatory elements are:

  • Name : the name of the rule. This is useful when checking the logfiles.

  • Match : a regular expression defining which file paths (relative to storage root) should be processed.

  • Action : the action to be taken.


The following variables can be used in the Action description:

  • UC_BASE_DIR : the storage root directory

  • UC_CURRENT_DIR : the absolute path to the parent directory of the current file

  • UC_FILE_PATH : the full path to the current file

  • UC_FILE_NAME : the file name

  • UC_FILES : (batched actions only) all the newly detected files, relative to the base directory

Job action

This type of action will be executed for a single new file, and defines a UNICORE job in the usual job description syntax.

  "Job": { ... }

The Job element contains a UNICORE job in the usual job description syntax.

Batched job action

This type of action will be executed for a whole set of newly detected files.

  "BatchedJob": { ... }

The BatchedJob element contains a UNICORE job in the usual job description syntax.

Metadata extraction

  "Extract": { ... }

This action will extract metadata from all the newly detected files. The contents of the Extract element are currently unused.

Sending notifications

  "Notification": "https://url-to-notification-receiver"

This action will send out a HTTP POST request in JSON format to the specified URL. The JSON will contain information about the new files, as well as the base directory that is being watched.

An example notification could look like this:

  "href": "https://unicorex-server-url/rest/core",
  "directory": "/path/to/watched/directory",
  "files": [

(File paths are relative to the base directory!)


If new files are detected, and rules are executed, the server will write a short log file to a directory “.UNICORE_data_processing”.

Stopping the processing

Since data-triggered processing is tied to the storage instance, you can stop it by sending an empty REST POST to an URL on the storage, e.g.

ucc rest post "{}" 'storage-URL'/actions/stop-processing

Destroying the storage instance will also stop the processing (but not delete any files).

ucc rest delete "{}" 'storage-URL'


As an example, we setup a task that generates checksums for all new files that are detected in the incoming directory.

The .UNICORE_Rules file could look like this:

  "DirectoryScan": {
    "IncludeDirs": [

  "Rules": [
      "Name": "generate-hash",
      "Match": ".*",
      "Action": {
         "Job": {
            "Executable": "sha256sum ${UC_FILE_PATH}",
            "Exports": [
                "From": "stdout",
                "To": "file://${UC_BASE_DIR}/checksums/${UC_FILE_NAME}.sha"