job-desc-img Job submission and management

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import pyunicore.client as uc_client
import pyunicore.credentials as uc_credentials

# Base URL
base = "https://localhost:8080/DEMO-SITE/rest/core"
print ("Accessing REST API at ", base)

# setup authentication using username and password
credentials = uc_credentials.UsernamePassword("demouser", "test123")

# Create a client
site_client = uc_client.Client(credentials, base)

# Run a test job
job_description = {'Executable': "/bin/ls", 'Arguments' :["-lisa", "$HOME"], }

job = site_client.new_job(job_description)
print("Submitted: %s" % job)

# let's wait while the job is still running

# print job properties
print (json.dumps(, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

# Accessing job outputs

# We can access the wob working directory and the stdout/stderr files

working_dir = job.working_dir
print (json.dumps(, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

# Let's list all files in the working directory

for f in working_dir.listdir("."):

# Now let's download data from the 'stdout' file
stdout_content = working_dir.stat("stdout").raw().readlines()
for line in stdout_content: